6 AmigaOS4+ skins in one Adobe Photoshop .PSD file
Hello Amiga World.
I've decided to release Adobe Photoshop [b][.PSD][/b] file with 6 groupped layers of [b]AmigaOS4+ skins for free[/b] so one day programmers with free will and with lots of free time might implement my idea into AmigaOS4+ that failed in past 2 [or more] years. As you all know - I am not programmer and I was asking for help numerous times from AOS core programmers to help me implement those skins into the system - but all I received was response from few developers that AmigaOS is a very complicated system for skinning and any modification will require over a month of tweaking to get desired result based on my graphic suggestions. Colors pens are the biggest problem and they are working on it to find a solution.
As I don`t have that [much] free time, I am donating my work in Adobe Photoshop .PSD format to Amiga community and hope that some day somebody will implement those skins the way I wanted during installation: [Let's imagine that my theme is named "Crystal":]
- [b]Use Crystal theme settings for your MUI? [/b]
- [b]Use Crystal theme for your AmiDock? [/b] [user's Amidock settings should be replaced to SYS: instead AmigaOS: [my setup] so other Amiga users will have the same graphics settings and icon sets like me - this is limit of Amidock program, and it works this way]
- [b]Use Crystal theme for Filer program? [/b] [use colors or full Filer settings with matched colors from my theme sets palette]
- [b]Use Crystal theme pointer graphics? [/b] [use my PNG pointers with dropshadow]. The same goes for Workbench TopBar - it must cast a dropshadow. For some reason I can't see / view it.
- [b]Use Crystal's Black Theme for your Shell? [/b] [or other themes, if they are possible to create, so instead Black, there will be Gray, Dark Green, Dark Blue etc, as Shell background, with transparency, only if it is possible]
- [b]Add MUI prefs to your MUI: directory? [/b] Prefs file will be called "Crystal.prefs".
- [b]Add BootSound samples [/b]
During [let's say Crystal theme set] installation, programmed script should rename ALL users prefs to .old and copy Crystal's prefs instead.
I've included free fonts from [b]www.dafont.com[/b] but HelveticaNeue isn't free [I was using for headers and text] so I couldn`t include them.
You are free to use my themes into AmigaOS implementation if you like them but you will need to credit me somewhere in documentation:
[b]Theme graphics by Nykk Deetronic
www.djnick.rs | www.deetronic.rs | www.youtube.com/djnykk[/b]
All best in new 2014!
Nykk // Deetronic