OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c under AmigaOS 4.1 FE Update 1 on SAM460ex!
Submitted by HKvalhe on 30 March, 2020.
My AmigaOne 500 aka SAM460ex running OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c under AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1 and Workbench Enhancer 1.5. A unique AHI tool called TheMaestrix is placed in WBStartup, to allow OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c to think that my 24-bit ESI@Juli XTe PCIe audio card, actually is a 16-bit Maestro Pro Soundcard! That way, I'm allowed to get audio in OctaMED SoundStudio v1.03c using this mode!
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